1. LOCATION: 3º14' -3º18' S 36º21 -36º31'e
    1 Km from Monduli and 42 Km form Arusha. Access is from Monduli town and Monduli juu. The south west side is traversed by the Monduli to Monduli juu road, which then runs near to the northern boundary. The reserve covers Monduli mountain from an altitude of 1615m 2660m.Monduli town is just on the boundaries of Monduli forest.

Oceanic rainfall with continental temperatures. Estimated rainfall: 750 - 1000mm / year on woodland: 1200 - 1500mm/ year on forest: withmarked mist effect at higher altitudes. Dry season: Jun - Sep. Estimated temperatures: 15.4°C max ( Dec), 11.5°C min ( July). 

The reserve is mostly covered by dry montane forest grassy glades and some seasonally inundated valleys. Thicket and woodland occurs in the south west. There is a high game population with buffalo and elephant.

3.1 Thicket and woodland:
      Thick scrub 2 - 3 m tall with trees to 5 m including: Acacia Clausena and croton macrostachys.

3.2 Dry montane forest
 Closed forest with a canopy 15-20 m tall dominated by Olea chrysophylla. Other trees include: Albizia gummifera, bersama, Casipourea malosana, Catha edulis, Celtis africana, Fagaropsis, Juniperus procera, Teclea simplicifolia. At higher altitudes there is closed forest with grazed grassy glades. Juniperus is dominant in patches, other areas are mixed species stands with: Dombeya torrida, Maesa, Nuxia congesta, prunus,Xymalos etc.

The Juniperus and Olea chrysophylla are potential provenances of seed for plantation. The reserve have a large number of wild animals such as Buffaloes, Elephants, Leopards and Birds.

The forest have suitable route up to the peak where there is a small crater lake. At the summit one can have a beautiful sceneries of Lake Manyara and Tarangire National Park. Monduli is also known for its largest and oldest buffaloes.
Camping sites are already identified around the crater lake and near to the bamboo stand.